We’re SO excited to announce that world-renowned unicyclist Wesley Williams “The One Wheel Wonder” is joining The Greatest Show On Earth! Wesley is a Guinness World Record holder for the tallest rideable unicycle (30 feet!) and is in the “see it to believe it” realm of talent that makes up the fabric of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey.
Wesley said it best, “When I was six years old, I saw Ringling and knew exactly what I wanted to do in life. It was love at first sight. Ringling inspired me to dream. It is the DREAM.”
Known for WOWing audiences whenever and wherever he rolls, Wesley was gifted his first unicycle at age six and started performing to bigger and bigger audiences. He’s gone on to perform his high-energy, thrilling act on some of the most prestigious stages throughout the world, from Monte-Carlo to Lost Vegas to Germany and Moscow and has appeared on America’s Got Talent, Britain’s Got Talent and The Gong Show.
Audiences will be able to see Wesley’s thrill act LIVE when The Greatest Show On Earth opens this fall.